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Massage Augsburg
Entspannung & Wohlbefinden
am Hofgarten von Denise

Alte Gasse 1 - 86152 Augsburg
Termine über calendly.com/handkontakt/
Oder: info@handkontakt.de


Friction massage is a traditional technique that stimulates circulation and activates metabolism through vigorous rubbing of the skin. It is often performed using a rough towel, a brush, or hands and has an invigorating and refreshing effect on both body and mind.

This technique can be used both for relaxation and to stimulate circulation. It is commonly applied as a preparatory treatment before other massages or after sports to loosen muscles. Regular friction massages can help release tension, improve skin texture, and boost the immune system.

In hydrotherapy, particularly in Sebastian Kneipp's methods, friction with cold water plays an important role in strengthening the nervous system and stabilizing circulation. The intensity of the massage can range from gentle to vigorous, depending on the desired effect.

  • Vigorous rubbing for skin stimulation
  • Stimulates circulation and metabolism
  • Performed with a towel, brush, or hands
  • Can relieve tension and boost the immune system
  • Key technique in Kneipp hydrotherapy