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Massage Augsburg
Entspannung & Wohlbefinden
am Hofgarten von Denise

Alte Gasse 1 - 86152 Augsburg
Termine über calendly.com/handkontakt/
Oder: info@handkontakt.de


The Dorn-Breuss method is a combination of two holistic therapy approaches: the Dorn therapy and the Breuss massage. It is used for gentle treatment of spinal and joint issues, helping to correct misalignments and activate the body’s self-healing abilities.

Dorn therapy focuses on manually correcting vertebral and joint misalignments through gentle pressure. Blocked vertebrae are guided back into their natural position using controlled movements and the patient’s own motion. This method is particularly effective for back pain, sciatica, and postural imbalances.

The Breuss massage is a relaxing spinal massage performed with St. John’s wort oil. It promotes deep relaxation, muscle release, and disc regeneration. The gentle stroking movements improve circulation and can help dissolve energetic blockages.

The combination of Dorn therapy and Breuss massage offers a holistic approach to spinal health and is commonly used in naturopathy.

  • Combination of Dorn therapy and Breuss massage
  • Gentle correction of spinal and joint misalignments
  • Breuss massage with St. John’s wort oil for disc regeneration
  • Releases energetic blockages and muscle tension
  • Commonly used in naturopathy